Other Information

The French Press Agency (AFP) chose the XWiki Enterprise edition with the Watch extension to follow the threads of information and to classify them by themes in the iBusiness platform. 

This platform aggregates the competitive and sectoral information on a global scale. Every worldwide correspondent is called to contribute, to download documents, to comment on information. 

After successfully starting to use XWiki, AFP also installed the XWiki Enterprise. Today, more than 10 platforms with different uses allow every employee from AFP to be more efficient. 

The main intranet features are: 

  • Publication of news about AFP's competitors and their initiatives
  • Filtering and rating of information by theme
  • Display of information in a custom dashboard
  • View the case study

"XWiki is not a traditional wiki; it's an "extended" wiki which offered many features that we wanted, like export of pages to PDF or application programming interface. What also impressed us is the fact that the XWiki products were Open Source. In other words, it was possible to test a product, to make a prototype without a big first investment; this has contributed to its implementation." (Denis Teyssou, Chief editor at Medialab R&D)